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From conversation to ideation


This library system lets customers upload print jobs from their personal devices to the library's printing server via an online portal. The portal's goal is to allow customers to easily print what they need without compromising the library's network security. Unfortunately, the current portal site is challenging to use. Most customers avoid it and library staff are reluctant to advocate for it, leading to frustration and unauthorized workarounds. 

  • The original experience did not offer any onboarding to new users.

  • Instead of a Help section or FAQ, the user is met with a large amount of text that pushes important buttons down the screen.

  • The visually overwhelming text includes jargon and too much information at the wrong stage in the experience.

  • The menu layout and labels in this experience are verbose and not conveniently located. 

  • Add callouts with just enough information to get started, highlighting where the user can get more information if they want it.

  • Move and simplify the menu to allow for easier navigation and a more usable area for content

  • Add an F.A.Q. menu option and rehome most of the original text there or to the new Rates option.

Check out the Figma file to see the whole experience, conversation storyboard, and new wireframes. 

Original landing screen

Updated wireframe

original mobile landing screen.JPG
New landing screen wireframe.JPG
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